
山西特色产品走进外交部—长治市 Published: 2024-05-27 16:55:26


In order to further practice the concept of foreign affairs serving both enterprises and the public, coordinate Shanxi's foreign affairs resources to serve the overall national diplomacy, and assist enterprises’ going-global strategy through diplomatic channels, the Service Center for the Foreign Ministry and Its Overseas Missions, along with the Foreign Affairs Office of the People's Government of Shanxi Province, jointly organized the "Charming Shanxi·Choosing Shanxi — Shanxi Specialties Entering the Ministry of Foreign Affairs" event at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


After multiple rounds of selection for enterprises and products, based on the principles of enterprise reputation, product quality, and voluntary participation, a total of 68 enterprises with approximately 700 products were selected to participate. These products cover key Shanxi industry chains, industry-specific towns, listed companies, time-honored Chinese brands, Shanxi quality products, and intangible cultural heritage items. Shanxi is also the first province to hold a province-wide promotional event at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

一、山西振东医药有限公司Shanxi Zhendong Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.


The first listed enterprise on the GEM in Shanxi Province, a national agricultural industrialization leading enterprise, and a national technology innovation demonstration enterprise. Its subsidiaries include Changzhi Zhendong, Biomedical Health Technology, Zhendong USA, Zhendong Australia, Chinese medicinal materials development, Beijing Pharmaceutical Research Institute, etc. It mainly produces eight series of medicines such as antitumor, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular, anti-infection, digestive system, respiratory system, vitamin nutrition, antipyretic and analgesic, and tonic traditional Chinese medicine, with 13 dosage forms and 600 specifications. Its products are exported to countries and regions including Hong Kong, Taiwan, the European Union, Vietnam, Malaysia, Argentina, Uruguay, Peru, and Russia.

二、山西沁州黄小米(集团)有限公司Shanxi Qinzhou Huang Millet (Group) Co., Ltd.


Qinzhou Huang millet was once tribute in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, a Chinese geographical indication product, and the most famous miscellaneous grain product in Shanxi, known as the "Kingdom of Miscellaneous Grains." It is located in Qinxian County, Shanxi Province. The company is a provincial-level agricultural industrialization leading enterprise, Shanxi poverty alleviation leading enterprise, executive director unit of the "Shanxi Xiaomi" industry alliance, and millet standardization planting demonstration base of China. The "Qinzhou" trademark has been recognized as a well-known trademark in China been rated as a "China Famous Agricultural Product Brand."

三、长治市类通堆锦工艺有限公司Changzhi Leitong Brocade Craft Co., Ltd.


Changzhi Brocade is a national intangible cultural heritage, originating from the Ming and Qing Dynasties. It is a kind of brocade made through more than ten processes such as cutting, pasting, pressing, twisting, cotton fluffing, folding, and rendering painting, known as "three-dimensional Chinese painting." The company is dedicated to product development, skill inheritance, exhibition, and promotion. It produces over 30 products in three series, drafts two industry technical standards, and obtains seven patents for craft innovation.

四、山西上党碧松烟文化有限公司Shanxi Shangdang Bisongyan Culture Co., Ltd.


The company specializes in the production of "Bisongyan" ink, a renowned product from Shangdang (Changzhi City) that was deemed a premium commodity during the Tang Dynasty and was even mentioned in a poem by the legendary poet Li Bai.

五、长治市峡谷山珍食品有限公司Changzhi Canyon Mountain Treasure Food Co., Ltd


It is a modern agricultural technology enterprise that focuses on the processing and sales of green food. It is situated in the unique resource-rich Great Canyon of Taihang Mountains region, where it has begun to establish the "Canyon Mountain Treasure" brand for the region's agricultural products. The company is committed to creating and developing original eco-friendly food products. One of its landmark products is tomato sauce, with solid content reaching over 70%, enabling it to retain the unique taste and texture of dryland tomatoes. The sauce highlights the regional flavor and is a distinctive and highly prized regional product.