
山西特色产品走进外交部—朔州市 Published: 2024-05-27 16:07:47


In order to further practice the concept of foreign affairs serving both enterprises and the public, coordinate Shanxi's foreign affairs resources to serve the overall national diplomacy, and assist enterprises’ going-global strategy through diplomatic channels, the Service Center for the Foreign Ministry and Its Overseas Missions, along with the Foreign Affairs Office of the People's Government of Shanxi Province, jointly organized the "Charming Shanxi·Choosing Shanxi — Shanxi Specialties Entering the Ministry of Foreign Affairs" event at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


After multiple rounds of selection for enterprises and products, based on the principles of enterprise reputation, product quality, and voluntary participation, a total of 68 enterprises with approximately 700 products were selected to participate. These products cover key Shanxi industry chains, industry-specific towns, listed companies, time-honored Chinese brands, Shanxi quality products, and intangible cultural heritage items. Shanxi is also the first province to hold a province-wide promotional event at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

一、山西古城乳业集团有限公司Shanxi Gucheng Dairy Group Co., Ltd


As the largest dairy product professional enterprise integrating dairy cattle breeding, processing, sales, research, and trade in Shanxi Province, the company is a national key leading enterprise in agricultural industrialization. Its leading products, the "Gucheng" series of milk powder and liquid milk, and dairy beverages, are renowned as a time-honored and trusted brand for 40 years. It was named the D20 Enterprise at the third China Dairy Industry Selection and a national excellent dairy processing enterprise in 2022.

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