
山西特色产品走进外交部—晋城市 Published: 2024-05-27 16:49:21

二、陵川县乡土人家农业综合开发公司Lingchuan County Farmhouse Agricultural Comprehensive Development Company


Lingchuan County is a well-known major producing area of forsythia in China. Forsythia fruits are used in medicine and have a wide range of applications. Forsythia leaves are used to make tea and have a tradition of over a thousand years. The company relies on the good ecological environment and abundant traditional Chinese medicinal resources in the Taihang Mountain area to successfully develop a series of functional health teas using forsythia leaves as raw materials, including forsythia, Codonopsis pilosula, Scrophularia, Bupleurum, and sour jujube. It has registered the trademark "Jinzhiqiao".

三、山西皇城相府酒业有限公司Shanxi Huangcheng Xiangfu Liquor Industry Co., Ltd.

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